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The characteristics of steam-assisted injection molding:

What is steam assisted injection molding?

steam-assisted injection molding is also called “Rapid Temperature Cycling”

?steam assisted injection molding , high temperature hot steam make ?mold with high temperature instantaneously, to assure?temperature difference between?mold steel and weld plastic very small, rapid filling cavity, and at the same time ,cooling steam transform into cold water to reduce the mold temperature quickly, in order to very high quality surface finish of product.
The advantage of steam injection molding
1. Eliminate product surface weld line, the products do not need spray paint processing;
2. Strengthen the material flow filling effect, improve production efficiency
3. Improve the product surface finish, and make it a mirror effect;
4. Solve and fibre products produced by the float phenomenon.
this technology are used in home appliances and electronic products and other fields , using this technology can avoid spray paint, ?greatly save the production cost directly, improve the production efficiency, and good for environmental protection?
we think the technology will become another revolutionary technology after gas-assisted technology direction, the product will be involved in LCD TV products, computer LCD products, car decoration products, lamps and lanterns and so on.Products have been involved in high-end home display products, high-end home appliances products, high-end electronic equipment and high-grade car decorative parts and other many fields

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